Tuesday, February 28, 2012

N900 Customized Wallpapers Gallery

Hi There! :)
This is my first topic which about Photoshop and graphics design.
I am really not interested in designing or customizing pictures, headers, buttons... etc.
But sometimes i have to do such a thing if that is really necessary, likewise when someone asks me to do that.
I used this magnificent Adobe app many times before to customize my blogs headers, sidebars and profile images, but now... i am using the simple blogger, that i don't have to create a header or such a thing.
But let me see how is your talent in designing and customizing pictures using Photoshop.
You can also use this pictures for making others by cropping what you need from these ones, And you know what you want, and what you need! :)
Try to keep pictures resolution as it was to be compatible with the N900.
I have uploaded a compressed wallpaper package for Nokia N900 "96 Pictures" Download Here
All designs will be published here on this blog.


N900 Corrupted EMMC Solution

HI There!
In This Topic I'll Not Explain Personal Experience Of Me, I will explain solution for who lost his internal memory capacity or his emmc became corrupted or not usable.
In Maemo Talk "talk.maemo.com" I've posted many threads explaining that my emmc became unusable and i couldn't store or remove anything from it.
I spent more than 3 months trying to find solution for this problem with no luck!
Finally i knew that was a hardware problem caused in Toshiba EMMC chip.
I suggested that i could install Android on the external memory card on file system "1GB" and use the left "7GB" storage on the SD card as mass storage instead of the internal "32GB" storage, but the problem was that Android system always reads the "32GB" as SD card, And couldn't find the left space of the external SD card.
One of the professional developers in Maemo Talk Told me how can i mount the left space of SD card on Android SD card file system to read it as the external SD card.
Then u wont need the internal "32GB" memory again!

First... u will need to install Android on your External SD card.
After installing Android on Your N900, U will need to grant "super user permission" to Terminal Emulator By Adding

You are able now to mount the left space of your SD card on Android SD card file system.
    umount /dev/block/mmcblk1p1

-"if u got an error don't care about it"
Then Add
    mount -t vfat /dev/block mmcblk0p1 /mnt/sdcard

-u shouldn't get any error-
Then go to settings--storage, and see if the capacity of the SD card changed or not.
Good luck!

Important Notes:
1- You can download Terminal Emulator Here
2- U will need to enter this command every boot time.
3- file system "sdcard" not required to be named with "sdcard", u may found another name, To be sure Add


.. u should find file called "mnt" if u don't find it, try to change directory listing by this command

.." till u find it, then type "ls mnt", u should find file system "sdcard".

If i did any mistake, or u have any questions don't hesitate to comment it!
Hope I helped u! ;)

How To Install Android 2.3.3 On Nokia N900

Hi there!
In this topic ,I'll explain how to install Android 2.3.3 gingerbread on Nokia N900.

This version has all super user permissions.
I'll explain how to install it on SD Card only -there are another way to install it on internal memory-
For beginners, "MyDocs" is the file system which u can find music, photos and all folders in it "System file manager root folder"
First You need to download multiboot files on MediaFire "Link Rights Reserved for Mobile4arab.com"
After downloading, extract the compressed file and copy all extracted files to "MyDocs" don't include it under sub folder.
Then You need to download Android version on MediaFire "Link Rights Reserved for Mobile4arab.com"
After downloading, copy it to "MyDocs" without extraction!
Install this file if u want to fix Arabic problems in Android System "Not Required" MediaFire "Link Rights Reserved for Mobile4arab.com"
Install this file to fix market and add sip/voip to this version MediaFire "Link Rights Reserved for Mobile4arab.com"
Install this file to be able to send SMS MediaFire "Link Rights Reserved for Mobile4arab.com"
Then copy all downloaded files to "MyDocs" without extraction.
If u had old version of Android on the internal memory u should add these lines in the X-Terminal
    mke2fs -j -m0 -L NITDroid /dev/mmcblk0p5
If u had it on an external memory add
    mke2fs -j -m0 -L NITDroid /dev/mmcblk1p2
We will install "multiboot" files now by adding these lines in X-terminal
    cd /home/user/MyDocs
    dpkg -i multiboot-0.2.11.deb
    dpkg -i kernel-power-bootimg_2.6.28-maemo46_armel.deb dpkg -i kernel-power-modules_2.6.28-maemo46_armel.deb dpkg -i multiboot-kernel-maemo_0.3-1_armel.deb dpkg -i multiboot-kernel-power_0.3-1_armel.deb
    dpkg -i kernel-power_2.6.28-maemo46_armel.deb dpkg -i kernel-power-flasher_2.6.28-maemo46_armel.deb dpkg -i kernel-power-settings_0.11_armel.deb
Now we will repartition the SD card "Backup your data to avoid data loss!!"
Add these lines
    umount /dev/mmcblk1p1
If you have "2GB SD Card" Add
    sfdisk -uM /dev/mmcblk1 << EOF ,100,C ,,L ,, ,, EOF
If you have "4GB SD Card" Add
    sfdisk -uM /dev/mmcblk1 << EOF ,2100,C ,,L ,, ,, EOF
If you have "8GB SD Card" Add
    sfdisk -uM /dev/mmcblk1 << EOF ,6100,C ,,L ,, ,, EOF
If you have "16GB SD Card" Add
    sfdisk -uM /dev/mmcblk1 << EOF ,14100,C ,,L ,, ,, EOF
Then Add

    umount /dev/mmcblk1p1

    mkfs.vfat /dev/mmcblk1p1 -n sdcard

    mke2fs -j -m0 -L NITDroid /dev/mmcblk1p2

Now we have finished memory repartitioning.
Now we will make Android system directory to be written on the device by adding

    mkdir /and mount /dev/mmcblk1p2 /and

Then install Android by adding

    cd /and tar xvf /home/user/MyDocs/gingerbread-Mido.Fayad-2.3.3-vostok.tar

Install Fix Files By Adding

    tar xvf /home/user/MyDocs/arabic-gingerbread-RTL-Mido.Fayad.tar tar xvf /home/user/MyDocs/N11_market_fix.tar tar xvf /home/user/MyDocs/ofono047s_oril009-sms-fix.tar

Install Android Kernel By Adding

    dpkg -i /home/user/MyDocs/NITDroid-kernel-latest-Mido.Fayad.deb

Then Restart You Phone While Opening Keyboard And Congratulations!
Important Notes:
1- This version supports calls but with no voice! so it will be fixed soon.
2- Installing Android on "class6 SD Card" would be better and faster.
3- Buttons "Back -camera button half pressed-", "Back To Home -camera button full pressed-", "Settings Menu -hibernate button-", "Power Options -power button full pressed-"
4- Got bored from non-free apps in market? install Applanet on MediaFire "Link Rights Reserved for Mobile4arab.com"
5- You should change value disabled "settings-applications-development-stay awake" to be enabled.
6- Unsupported drivers "Camera-FM Transmitter-Light Sensor"
7- Version's fast depends on your SD Card Quality.

Thanks For "Mobile4arab senior members - Maemo Talk senior Members - Google Services"

Don't hesitate to tell me if i made any mistake! :)

Nokia N900 X-Terminal

Hi there!
As we know that Nokia N900 hadn't been accepted popularly, However it's one of the most powerful Nokia devices.
You can praise the hardware performance, software options and more. :)

In this topic i'll post the most commonly X-Terminal commands from my personal experience.
In fact... The Linux devices with terminal emulator "like Nokia N900" are most powerful than close source devices like "Symbian devices -N8, E7, N97 etc..."
1- "cp" copy files
    cp /home/user/MyDocs/file1.txt /home/user/MyDocs/.Documents
2- "mv" move or rename files
    mv /home/user/MyDocs/file1.txt /home/user/MyDocs/.Documents
3- "ls" list files except hidden files
    ls /home/user/MyDocs
4- "ls -la" list all files
    ls -la /home/user/MyDocs
5- "root" gain user root access
    sudo gainroot
6- "mkdir" make new directory
    mkdir /home/user/MyDocs/directory1
7- "rmdir" remove existed directory
    rmdir /home/user/MyDocs/directory1
8- "rm -r" remove directory with all contained files
    rm -r /home/user/MyDocs/directory1
9- "rm" remove file
    rm /home/user/MyDocs/file1.txt
10- "cd" change directory
    cd /home/user/MyDocs/music
11- "cd .." change directory back
    cd ../..
12- "mount" mount file system
    mount -t vfat /dev/mmcblk0p1 /home/user/MyDocs
13- "umount" unmount file system
    umount /home/user/MyDocs
14- "apt-get update" update catalogs repositories
    apt-get update
15- "apt-get install" install app from specified repository
    apt-get install nano
16- "dpkg -i" extract ".deb" files
    dpkg -i /home/user/MyDocs/nano.deb
17- "df -h" show disk partitions and their space
    df -h /dev/mmcblk1p1
18- "du -m" show disk usage in megabytes
    du -m /dev/mmcblk0p2
19- "--help" help you know more about command marks
    rm --help
20- "exit" exit X-Terminal, or changing to average user mode
21- "echo" print result
    echo 123
22- "$" print value of some text
    p=1 echo $p
23- "find" find specified file
    find /home/user/MyDocs/*.txt
24- "CTRL+C" will stop doing some command "like extracting .tar file"
25- "tar -xvf" extract .tar file
    tar -xvf /home/user/MyDocs/file1.tar
26- ">" print results into text file
    ls >file1.txt
27- "mkfs.vfat" make vfat file system
    mkfs.vfat /dev/mmcblk1p1 -n sdcard
28- "mkfs.ext3" make ext3 file system
    mkfs.ext3 /dev/mmcblk1p1 -n sdcard
- Make sure that you have "rootsh" first, if not, you will not be able to use most of these commands.
- Don't use uncommonly commands like "umount, mkfs, etc..." if u don't need them.

If you want to know more Maemo Wiki
Rootsh Download Here

Best Regards! :)